People who are looking to obtain a small personal loan can find legitimate businesses in their community which provide these services. There are many advertisements which may appear online or through the mail, and they may not be reputable. Usually these businesses require several forms of identification to verify your ability to repay the loan. These personal loans are also called payday loans or cash advances.
These businesses are easy to find in either the telephone book or online. Good examples of these businesses which provide cash advances is Check Into Cash or Moneytree. Both of these have offices in multiple states.
These businesses also have a variety of services which they offer besides payday loans. Some businesses do employee check cashing for a small fee. They may provide money orders or a bill pay service. Wire transfers are common, as are purchasing prepaid cards. Other items that may be sold are things such as stamps and the use of their fax or copy machine.
To be approved for these short-term loans, several pieces of documentation are needed. The most common forms of documentation are current bank statements, employer check stubs, and a check book. The check book must be from the same bank, and the account must be in good standing. Several current check stubs are needed to verify employment. The patron will write a check to the store which will be used for repayment of the loan.
These documents will be reviewed by the teller, and once it is approved, the next step is to decide the amount of the loan to be taken out. There is a table of the set amount you can obtain based on your income. For example, if someone makes over $1000 per month then they may qualify for a $200 loan which would be due on their next payday. However, if they earned more then maybe they could take more or even the maximum amount.
Each state has laws which only allow these stores to loan a certain amount to customers. Actual amounts in the following states are examples. Washington State can loan a maximum of $700, or Nevada can loan up to $5000 to people.
Since this is a loan, there is an interest rate set for each amount loaned. These are short-term loans, and they are usually due at the next payday. If someone is paid biweekly or monthly, it is set to that schedule. The post-dated check submitted will be used for repayment.
The interest rate on these loans are rather high approximately 15% to 16% which is more than most banks. These are cash advances, and no credit check is performed. It helps those who need some cash quickly, or they may not qualify for bank loans because of their credit history.
These businesses are easy to find in either the telephone book or online. Good examples of these businesses which provide cash advances is Check Into Cash or Moneytree. Both of these have offices in multiple states.
These businesses also have a variety of services which they offer besides payday loans. Some businesses do employee check cashing for a small fee. They may provide money orders or a bill pay service. Wire transfers are common, as are purchasing prepaid cards. Other items that may be sold are things such as stamps and the use of their fax or copy machine.
To be approved for these short-term loans, several pieces of documentation are needed. The most common forms of documentation are current bank statements, employer check stubs, and a check book. The check book must be from the same bank, and the account must be in good standing. Several current check stubs are needed to verify employment. The patron will write a check to the store which will be used for repayment of the loan.
These documents will be reviewed by the teller, and once it is approved, the next step is to decide the amount of the loan to be taken out. There is a table of the set amount you can obtain based on your income. For example, if someone makes over $1000 per month then they may qualify for a $200 loan which would be due on their next payday. However, if they earned more then maybe they could take more or even the maximum amount.
Each state has laws which only allow these stores to loan a certain amount to customers. Actual amounts in the following states are examples. Washington State can loan a maximum of $700, or Nevada can loan up to $5000 to people.
Since this is a loan, there is an interest rate set for each amount loaned. These are short-term loans, and they are usually due at the next payday. If someone is paid biweekly or monthly, it is set to that schedule. The post-dated check submitted will be used for repayment.
The interest rate on these loans are rather high approximately 15% to 16% which is more than most banks. These are cash advances, and no credit check is performed. It helps those who need some cash quickly, or they may not qualify for bank loans because of their credit history.
About the Author:
Jimi Morrison writes articles about No Credit Check Loans and how to find cheap payday loans lenders