Friday, September 4, 2009

The Creativity in Naming a Business

By Todd Alan

The process of forming a business involves studying how their target customers think, and this is something you will hear time and time again. The brand name and logo should catch peoples attention. The corporate thinker would need common sense and creativity; in other words, ingenuity.

Freezing on a business name would need mingling with the crowd, yet being able to think independently. With thousands of business houses, one needs to be strategic and stand out. No one wants to be recognized as run of the mill and be lost among the thousands of brands vying for the same customers attention.

As the saying goes, the first impression is a lasting one. There are positive and negative perceptions and impressions. An impression is formed in the first three seconds of interaction. When the target audience chances upon the business name, it should register in their mind. A negative impression is not on the businessman's mind. As unheard-off and unique the name sounds; it should prompt respect from the prospective client. Besides, it also needs to succeed in telling your probable customers what your business is about, best done subtly.

Taking pains for a unique business name is not uncommon. So many a times, what happens is a unique word may turn out to be not so unique, with many businesses using the same name. In such a scenario, the word loses its flavor, thus failing the purpose. People may consider such a business as just another dime a dozen business. For example the name should not convey the obviousness. If you use the words like quality or low price in the name of your business, then they don't serve any body's purpose. If anything, such names only repel the consumers.

People must be able to identify the business and its uniqueness with its name, which will be the case only when common terms are avoided. You should take the efforts to make the name meaningful and original with a dab of creativity. A demanding, yet effective way of going about this is to do some research on the business you are about to start. One will come across many words, depending what kind of business it is. In such cases, hiring a professional to get the job done with finesse is a very sensible option. Professionals come across such challenges and deliver the performance that the layman may not.

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