Monday, September 7, 2009

Getting the Best Valuation For Your Home

By Angelita Robins

If you are trying to sell your home, you might have a difficult time getting a great price for it unless it is in tip-top condition. Buyers these days want the home they purchase to be picture perfect and ready for occupancy immediately. Unless you have painted the entire home inside and out, replaced aging electrical appliances, and footed the bill for a new roof, you may not get your asking price.

It can be difficult to get potential buyers to see what a gem your home is unless it looks absolutely perfect. They cant see and dont care how great the living room would look with a different colored carpet. They arent interested in how much safer the yard would be for their kids if it was surrounded by a chain-link fence. They are bringing their hard-earned money to the table and expect to get something thats already suited to their wants and needs.

Before putting your home on the market, you must correct every flaw if you expect to get top dollar for it. Paint the inside and outside, replace the roof if its worn, re-carpet where necessary, and enhance every little detail. Look at your home through a potential buyers eyes to determine what things they would like to see in place. You should expect to spend some money getting your home in order before you sell it.

Some people just dont have the time or money required to prepare their houses for the real estate market. They may be forced to move unexpectedly due to a job transfer or they may be in financial trouble, which pretty much prevents them from investing any more money into their homes.

If you are in any of the above circumstances, then you need to consider selling your home to a private real estate investor or real estate investment firm. If you can get one of them interested in purchasing your home, you will be able to move right away without having to make any further mortgage payments. Of course, you might not get top dollar for it but you wont get it anyway unless you are willing to pay the price ahead of time by repainting, re-carpeting, re-roofing, and fixing anything that needs repair.

Real estate investors can see beyond the normal wear and tear your home has undergone. They will not expect you to sink thousands of dollars into the home so that it will look perfect. They will buy your home the way it is and do all the work before putting it out there on the real estate market.

Selling to a real estate investor will be your best option if you need to sell your home as quickly as possible. He or she will buy it outright and you will not have to make any special arrangements, make any more payments, correct any of the problems it has, or pay anyone a commission. All you must do is find an interested investor and your

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