Sunday, September 6, 2009

How to Exploit Social Media Marketing to get Leads?

By Sachin Kumar Airan

The current trend in advertising, promotions, and promoting for online sites is direct at the social media market. However, simply knowing that social media is the present hotbed for promoting projects does not help you to understand the best way to make use of social media marketing to get leads. Therefore , if you really need social media to work for you it is helpful to get a deeper appreciation of the practice so you can start to make it count towards your business. Here are some tips that could help get leads from social media outlets straight away.

Update, update, update-

On almost every social media outlet the status updates, blog entries, and notification services all work the same way, the most current message gets top billing until it is replaced by a new entry. Since most of your contacts on any social media network no doubt have a number of contacts, if you want to grab and keep their attention you need to keep posting new information, status messages, and links. It is simply the only way to stay in your target audience's mind and attract their eyes, and people will always notice the top few results and profile names even if they do not have time to explore the offerings right away. This is known as creating a presence online for your company.

Network with friends, groups, industry,competitors-

The purpose of social media marketing is not just to get leads, but to get leads that are associated closely with your audience so you have a bigger chance of seeing a positive result from your leads. So , it is in your own interest to scrupulously direct your efforts towards leads only on your target market. A good way to try this is by narrowing down your target market. Commence with your buddies and others in the sector that you know have profiles and then work your way thru their contact lists. Industry leaders are probably going to have a full list of names that you can try to add to your list thru careful updating and pursuit.

Also take a little time to join groups that are aimed at your product, service, or web site's main target topic. If you can't find a group that represents your product or service make a new one! Folks like to join groups and what's better is that on most social media sites when you enter a group your details are mechanically displayed for all members to see.

Offer a free promotion-

Once you get people's attention you need to keep it, which is why offering a free good can be an excellent way to solidify strong leads. Offer a reward, coupon, or free media file such an Mp3, video, or e-book and you will be surprised to see how many people are willing to check out your website or submit their email just to receive access to the free good. It is a small investment that often pays off with a large increase in sales revenues making it well worth your time.

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