Reaching a world wide audience- All world wide web users will agree that online video marketing is without a doubt the most in expensive and popular way to reach your target audience and create brand awareness with little to no effort whatsoever. If an online video marketing campaign is not currently forming part of your advertising strategy, you better catch a wake up and fast!
Varying formats- Its absolutely essential to remember that not everyone uses the same playback programmes and software to view media. It is thus advised that you offer video's in various formats. Ask friends, family and colleagues what their favourite formats and software are and ensure these are added or video's converted on your site. If you prefer viewers downloading specific software or program to view the video's, remember to add a link to access free video playback software.
High and low quality- Offering of both high and lower quality video images is key for reaching the widest target audience possible. Download time is halved and snail internet speed viewers given the chance to watch your video with greatest of easy with lower quality video's. Sound and general image quality will suffer without a doubt but a much wider target audience will still be accessed.
Video sites- Video sites are incredibly popular and an absolute must for any Online video marketing campaign. This will also help you reach your goal of getting as many people to view your advert as possible. Upload your video to a couple of these video sites which will help you benefit from their popularity.
Surf all the options- Spend time to do proper research before making your final decision to post your first video on a specific site. All the sites are not the same and you should definitely not settle for second best site. Your company's good name and reputation depends on your choices. Use the sites search engine to see which of your competitors or other market related video's have already been posted.
Your company's identity- Always remember to place your company's identity aka name and logo on strategic positions in the video. Company identity recognition will instantly generate tones of free site traffic while also helping potential clients find your company with greatest of ease.
Power of suggestion- Nothing on earth is more powerful than the power of suggestion. Suggest to viewers what their next action after watching the video should be. These calls to actions will give viewers information on the product or service as well as where they can find more info. Your video will just be another boring ad if you don't include necessary call to action at the end.
Varying formats- Its absolutely essential to remember that not everyone uses the same playback programmes and software to view media. It is thus advised that you offer video's in various formats. Ask friends, family and colleagues what their favourite formats and software are and ensure these are added or video's converted on your site. If you prefer viewers downloading specific software or program to view the video's, remember to add a link to access free video playback software.
High and low quality- Offering of both high and lower quality video images is key for reaching the widest target audience possible. Download time is halved and snail internet speed viewers given the chance to watch your video with greatest of easy with lower quality video's. Sound and general image quality will suffer without a doubt but a much wider target audience will still be accessed.
Video sites- Video sites are incredibly popular and an absolute must for any Online video marketing campaign. This will also help you reach your goal of getting as many people to view your advert as possible. Upload your video to a couple of these video sites which will help you benefit from their popularity.
Surf all the options- Spend time to do proper research before making your final decision to post your first video on a specific site. All the sites are not the same and you should definitely not settle for second best site. Your company's good name and reputation depends on your choices. Use the sites search engine to see which of your competitors or other market related video's have already been posted.
Your company's identity- Always remember to place your company's identity aka name and logo on strategic positions in the video. Company identity recognition will instantly generate tones of free site traffic while also helping potential clients find your company with greatest of ease.
Power of suggestion- Nothing on earth is more powerful than the power of suggestion. Suggest to viewers what their next action after watching the video should be. These calls to actions will give viewers information on the product or service as well as where they can find more info. Your video will just be another boring ad if you don't include necessary call to action at the end.
About the Author:
Wish to jump on Google's first page in 48 hours or less and get mass exposure? Grab the 30-day Traffic Geyser free trial so you can see first-hand the most effective online video marketing software on the planet! Go to to learn how to make online video marketing campaigns more effective.