Chances are if you are reading this article you are taking the plunge into the world of making easy money online. Excellent choice! It should of been a simple business decision to get this far, since you have still not spent a single cent of your money.
The first and most important thing we need to do is identify your niche. A Niche is something that we can find that is worth marketing. It can be anything really from something broad like "mp3 players" to something more pin pointed like "apple ipod".
Finding that first niche may take you a little while but it is not really hard to do at all. What is a little bit harder is finding one that is worth putting some work into and promises to get you some return. There are a few ways to find a new niche that are really simple to do. One way is to use popular e-commerce sites such as and .
Take some time and check out all the different categories and the items that are listed on the front page. These are the items that are the hot sellers right now and are worth marketing.Lets say you look into the home and garden supply page and a certain type of bake ware comes up first. This would be a niche that has marketing potential because it is popular enough to consumers that it has reached popularity on the main page. Take a look through some pages and find something that interests you. I can not stress that enough however, make sure it is something that you are interesting to you as it will only make it easier later on when it comes time to write content for your niche sites.
Another process I use to find new up and coming niches is looking at the world around me. Some time or another we all have to leave the computer and venture out into the real world to go to work, stores, etc. While your out keep an eye out for whats going on, and whats the new trends are popping up. Take a look at those annoying people in kiosks at the mall and see what they are peddling, it could be the next big thing and worth advertising before it takes off and becomes impossible to make easy money online with it.
Remember a few years back when we all couldn't figure out the big deal with wearing sheep skin boots? Today the keyword "Uggs" is searched 2.2 million times a month, more during the holidays, on google alone. With a average CPC (cost per click) of $1.62 cents you could of definitivly been on easy street by now! Take some time and find some niches that interest you!
The first and most important thing we need to do is identify your niche. A Niche is something that we can find that is worth marketing. It can be anything really from something broad like "mp3 players" to something more pin pointed like "apple ipod".
Finding that first niche may take you a little while but it is not really hard to do at all. What is a little bit harder is finding one that is worth putting some work into and promises to get you some return. There are a few ways to find a new niche that are really simple to do. One way is to use popular e-commerce sites such as and .
Take some time and check out all the different categories and the items that are listed on the front page. These are the items that are the hot sellers right now and are worth marketing.Lets say you look into the home and garden supply page and a certain type of bake ware comes up first. This would be a niche that has marketing potential because it is popular enough to consumers that it has reached popularity on the main page. Take a look through some pages and find something that interests you. I can not stress that enough however, make sure it is something that you are interesting to you as it will only make it easier later on when it comes time to write content for your niche sites.
Another process I use to find new up and coming niches is looking at the world around me. Some time or another we all have to leave the computer and venture out into the real world to go to work, stores, etc. While your out keep an eye out for whats going on, and whats the new trends are popping up. Take a look at those annoying people in kiosks at the mall and see what they are peddling, it could be the next big thing and worth advertising before it takes off and becomes impossible to make easy money online with it.
Remember a few years back when we all couldn't figure out the big deal with wearing sheep skin boots? Today the keyword "Uggs" is searched 2.2 million times a month, more during the holidays, on google alone. With a average CPC (cost per click) of $1.62 cents you could of definitivly been on easy street by now! Take some time and find some niches that interest you!
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