Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Foreign Workers And Money Transfers: Hand in Hand!

By Alfred Grundig

To send money through wire transfer has been a prime concern for the foreign workers. It has always cost their pockets dearly, but not anymore! For debit card payments have made it very economical. It is also easier for the families to receive money via debit card, with no additional costs attached. Among other methods, there have been bank transfers and the prepaid credit card.

Mere possession of a debit card enables you to withdraw money internationally at any time. Wired transfers can be done to send money to your family with no additional taxes. In case of a prepaid credit card, you can also receive money as instantaneously as sending.

Usually prepaid credit card is used by families for their kids. In this, the receiver must have a secondary card, which is to be topped up by you. Thereafter, it can be used for immediate cash withdrawals as debit card or shopping. This way, to receive money is as immediate as you send money.

Use of debit card is also a stable means for keeping track on expenditure. For example, parents can track down every penny spent by their offspring. Prepaid credit card enables someone living abroad to send money as well as receive money. It is more important to have the flexibility of being operational even in another country.

By and large, every country has foreign workers and they all face the same problem. After all, it is imperative for one to send money and the other to receive money. The debit card has allowed one to go mobile internationally, whereas, a prepaid credit card is more beneficial for family purposes. You can offer financial security to your kids yet keep an eye on their expenditure.

As parents, you can control the expenses of your child via prepaid credit card. This allows you to send money to them. They can either receive money via ATM or use it as a debit card to buy things. Hence, you can avail the kind of flexibility that you desire.

The base of money transferred from foreign region has shifted to debit card and prepaid credit card system. During the days of bank transfers, you had to be considerate of the overhead taxes charged for services. But now, it is so much easier to send money to your family. Even to receive money is hassle-free and instantaneous in case of undue emergencies.

Hence, bothering about transfers is a talk of the past. To send money is as smooth as to receive money via access to debit card and prepaid credit card.

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