When you're wanting to ensure that there is an adequate amount of attention paid to your business but are not interested in overspending, you need to look into different ways to spread the word about your business. It's not a shock there there's a lot of things to do when you're trying to make it happen, but you need to start out by ensuring that you have a phone name. What is a phone name you ask? Have you ever seen those commercials where a phone number is spelled with letters? That's exactly what it is. You need to get a phone number like that where your phone name is associated with your business. If you get the right name then you'll get a lot of attention as people will remember you!
Make Your Phone Name Easy to Remember When you are selecting your phone name, remember that you should use clear spelling and that it should be as short and memorable as you can make it. This is something that can make a huge amount of difference, so take some time and figure out what your phone name should be.
Promote Together Ideally, your phone name, your website and your email should all be roughly the same thing. This will help you with branding as well as help people remember where you are at and how to find you!
Make a Jingle Sometimes a great tune will be introduced into someone's mind and it may just stick there. You need to create a decent jingle which will be memorable that mentions your business in some way, and has your phone name in it. Then you can send it to a local radio station to be broadcast to thousands of people.
Print Your Phone Name on Magnets When you put your phone name on magnets, you'll discover that they'll be kept around and thrown up on the refrigerator door. The people who live there might not notice every day, but you can bet that they'll consult it when a need for your services comes up.
Put Your Phone Name on Your Stationery If you have business letter head that you like to use, make sure that your phone name ends up on it. You never know when someone is going to need a sheet of paper and see your name.
Bumper Stickers When you're trying to get some additional business makes sure that you print out your phone name on a bumper sticker. This way all kinds of people will see your phone name and will call you up when they need you.
Articles Articles are a great way to get your name out there, and if you submit a few to some article directories then all kinds of people will visit your website. Article directories are an excellent way of advertising!
Headers On your site make sure that you have your name and phone number. This will help a lot of people to remember your information.
Make Your Phone Name Easy to Remember When you are selecting your phone name, remember that you should use clear spelling and that it should be as short and memorable as you can make it. This is something that can make a huge amount of difference, so take some time and figure out what your phone name should be.
Promote Together Ideally, your phone name, your website and your email should all be roughly the same thing. This will help you with branding as well as help people remember where you are at and how to find you!
Make a Jingle Sometimes a great tune will be introduced into someone's mind and it may just stick there. You need to create a decent jingle which will be memorable that mentions your business in some way, and has your phone name in it. Then you can send it to a local radio station to be broadcast to thousands of people.
Print Your Phone Name on Magnets When you put your phone name on magnets, you'll discover that they'll be kept around and thrown up on the refrigerator door. The people who live there might not notice every day, but you can bet that they'll consult it when a need for your services comes up.
Put Your Phone Name on Your Stationery If you have business letter head that you like to use, make sure that your phone name ends up on it. You never know when someone is going to need a sheet of paper and see your name.
Bumper Stickers When you're trying to get some additional business makes sure that you print out your phone name on a bumper sticker. This way all kinds of people will see your phone name and will call you up when they need you.
Articles Articles are a great way to get your name out there, and if you submit a few to some article directories then all kinds of people will visit your website. Article directories are an excellent way of advertising!
Headers On your site make sure that you have your name and phone number. This will help a lot of people to remember your information.
About the Author:
Author: Easy Dial tells you how to benefit from Alphabetical Phone Numbers at the website 1300 Easy Dial including profitable small business marketing ideas like Phone Names. Market your name with your number!