Every day, credit cards companies are are bearing down to expand their service when it comes to transferring money. Many notable credit card companies have turning to pre-paid credit cards to make it less complicated for consumers to transport money online.
The model is simple; The sender simply goes online and opens an account, then inputs the amount and the recipient . The company gives the receiver a pre-paid credit card and secret PIN which can be used as any accepted credit card, at any ATM, or for any purchase. If the sender would like to to transfer more money they simply go online, and the money goes directly onto the card the recipient is already in possession of.
Could it be? Have we seen the day consumers no longer need to carry cash? Some businesses are already trying to do away with traditional paychecks, so people have began to get their paychecks wired directly into bank accounts. Many businesses are also taking advantage of online companies to pay employees.
So what does all this mean for older, more conventional money transfer services? Many experts have decided the number of people using credit cards or the internet to wire money will surely increase.
Many location based-services have come to grips with the fact that their market share will dwindle over the years as more people turn to credit cards to transfer money online. To take a stand, many location based companies have gotten in with big-name banks and it is guessed that by the end of 2009, most of these companies will be offering services though those banks. And although most banks already have a transfer system set, this move might possibly be the swaying factor that keeps those businesses afloat.
The model for these companies is simple. If you use a bank to wire money you will pay a flat rate whether you choose to transport $100 or $1000. Location-based services charge depending on the amount.
So why would anyone choose to use a location-based company as opposed to a bank? Well location-based services now allow a sender to wire the money to a specific, whereas a bank only allows you to transfer money from one bank account to another.
Regardless of how the money transfer world shifts in the coming years, two things are clear; it will gradually become easier to use a credit card to transfer money online and the time it takes to get that money sent will only be truncated.
The model is simple; The sender simply goes online and opens an account, then inputs the amount and the recipient . The company gives the receiver a pre-paid credit card and secret PIN which can be used as any accepted credit card, at any ATM, or for any purchase. If the sender would like to to transfer more money they simply go online, and the money goes directly onto the card the recipient is already in possession of.
Could it be? Have we seen the day consumers no longer need to carry cash? Some businesses are already trying to do away with traditional paychecks, so people have began to get their paychecks wired directly into bank accounts. Many businesses are also taking advantage of online companies to pay employees.
So what does all this mean for older, more conventional money transfer services? Many experts have decided the number of people using credit cards or the internet to wire money will surely increase.
Many location based-services have come to grips with the fact that their market share will dwindle over the years as more people turn to credit cards to transfer money online. To take a stand, many location based companies have gotten in with big-name banks and it is guessed that by the end of 2009, most of these companies will be offering services though those banks. And although most banks already have a transfer system set, this move might possibly be the swaying factor that keeps those businesses afloat.
The model for these companies is simple. If you use a bank to wire money you will pay a flat rate whether you choose to transport $100 or $1000. Location-based services charge depending on the amount.
So why would anyone choose to use a location-based company as opposed to a bank? Well location-based services now allow a sender to wire the money to a specific, whereas a bank only allows you to transfer money from one bank account to another.
Regardless of how the money transfer world shifts in the coming years, two things are clear; it will gradually become easier to use a credit card to transfer money online and the time it takes to get that money sent will only be truncated.
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For the most up to date information about sending money online, This is the only resource you will ever need send money online