Saturday, July 4, 2009

Affiliate marketing: Display ads basic issues

By Jeff Goyen

The display ad can be anything from a drab text box to a full multimedia thing. These ads are the heart of any affiliate program, and their quality affects your business. You need to be picky.

As attention getters, the text box type is the low end. Theyre basic, theyre simple, and theyre not real attention getters, unless relevant to the site audience. These ads are however good space users, and can operate effectively on any site, also taking care of the bald patches, in some cases. They can help maximize use of space.

The graphic- oriented ads are much better at creating profile and presence for an affiliate program. They have a higher visual impact, and are designed to be grabbers. They do attract attention, and are generally pretty trustworthy as basic ad content. The net is very much a visual medium, and people read web pages on visual priorities, which are the graphic ads strong suits. Color, contrast, and design are major attractants, even when the person isnt looking for the product.

The multimedia ads are definitely the highest profile approach, very common in some areas of affiliate marketing, particularly media and sales related materials. These are complex, sometimes hard to run and manage, and can be nuisances when setting up to match landing page protocols.

Top of the line of the display ads market is the multimedia ad, which is sometimes a nuisance to run, and can be an irritant, not an asset. The obvious case is the blocker ad, which has to be clicked to move through to the page. Thats not necessarily appreciated by the users, and they make a point of not clicking on these things.

Ad content is the main issue. An ad that gets productive attention is what affiliates want, not just some bit of baggage to stick on the site and hope it sells something. The best option is to base your choices of display ads on practical quality control.

This is where you start setting your own rules, enforcing quality control and creating your own standards. All display ads have some strengths and weaknesses, and if youre going to be committed to them, you need the tools to do the job.

This is where Niche N Easy is a good option. It can handle any ad. You have full operational control. You can handle layout, running multimedia software, site functions and applications, easily.

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